AUTHENTIC – Coming home to your true self. OUT NOW!

Being a chameleon was my full-time job.
To be an authenticity coach, one needs to know the exact opposite of what it is to be authentic – inauthenticity.
Adapting who I was to fit in, be liked, or be anything anyone needed me to be, was what I thought I had to do in order to be loved. The yearn to know where I belonged was strong and as a result, I abandoned my sense of self.
Over my years I’ve overcome some big stuff. From childhood sexual abuse, bulimia, drug addiction, chronic pain, pain medication addiction and brain surgery, these experiences challenged me something good!
There were times I didn’t want to live and felt like the Universe was punishing me. Shit got real dark. But the darkness was my invitation to find a new way forward and I made it my mission to do the work to live life according to who I truly am.

For sixteen years I’ve dedicated my life to developing my mind, opening my heart, treating my body with kindness and respect, and coming home to my soul. Over those years I’ve learned a myriad of teachings and applied them to my life, creating profound change.
It’s been a rocky road at times, but damn it’s been worth it. As a result, my authentic self has emerged (and continues to) and nothing feels better than the freedom to be you again.
Professionally, I’m an Authenticity Coach, Keynote Speaker, podcast host, creator of the ZEROFKS movement and epic in real life events. For nine years I’ve been working with people to help them get very real and honest with themselves, so they can show up real and honest in their lives.
My soul is lit and alive to inspire legends like you, to help you face yourself, warts and all, so you can begin to pave a new way forward whilst walking beside you.

Life hasn't always been easy, but I've faced each challenge head and heart on, giving rise to a force within that is unstoppable.
I believe my experiences happened for a reason – to share my path with others and be an example of hope. I’m here to share the teachings, lessons and practices with you whilst challenging your current ways of thinking, doing and being! Thank you for trusting me with your journey – I can’t wait to meet the real you.
I live and work in Melbourne, Australia, Boonwurrung Land. My offerings are online and in person, able to reach and touch those of you who live abroad.