
It’s time you really give a f&%k about showing up as the real and genuine you.


The ZEROFKS Program is a 6-month container that is here to help you reclaim your authenticity.
How? By not allowing the thoughts in your head and external judgments hinder your real and genuine self. Isn’t it time you reframed your narrative, remember who you are, and live a life that resonates with what’s right, good and true for you?

If you’re done with the exhausting charade of showing up as someone you’re not, find yourself giving away your time, energy, and life force (those precious fks), and are ruled by unhelpful thoughts and patterns, then join us on the path of authenticity – where giving zerofks becomes an act of self-love.

The ZEROFKS Program is here to ...

show you a pathway to living with greater authenticity. It’s here to provide much needed tools, perspective shifts and new ways of thinking, processing, doing and being, so you can choose to show up in your world as your real and genuine self.

What does it mean to give ZEROFKS?

We’re not talking about sticking your middle finger up to the world and telling everyone to go f&%k themselves. Not in the slightest.

We’re talking about diving deep into a whole new level of self-liberation. It’s about giving zerofks to the limiting thoughts and stories in your head that have been playing on loop, telling you who you should be and who you can’t be. It’s standing face to face to the inner critic, those nagging doubts that hinder you from rocking your true, authentic self. It’s a conscious decision to allocate your time, energy, heart, and life force to things that really matter – to you, your journey, and the collective human experience.

Giving zerofks is a tool to shape a life that’s authentically yours and contributes to the greater good.

Are you done with ...

how will you ever know the 'real you'

if you give no real time and space to enquire, reflect and reconfigure your life?


I’d love to impart to you timeless teachings. This is not a rah-rah toxic positivity program, these are fundamental teachings to help you navigate the “not you” so you can choose the real you.

The teachings and body of work contribute to helping you uncover and maintain your authentic self, whilst knowing how to manage and navigate the thoughts in your head that will attempt to steer you from living, breathing and showing up as your authentic self. 

New teachings will be unlocked in a timely and spaced approach, giving you just the right amount of time to delve into the work without feeling rushed, or having too much time to mess about. Teachings will be shared via videos, meditations, journalling prompts, audios and exercises, to help you put the work to test and into your life.

Think of these teachings and tools as filling up your bottomless Mary Poppins bag. They’re here to expand your current ways of thinking, doing and being and in times of need, you can reach into the bag and pull out what’s required.

The Teachings ...

The program will cover three core modules that explore what keeps us giving our time, energy and life-force to behaviours and patterns that hinder our true way, how to find our true way again, and how to do the forever dance between our ego and true selves for life.

  1. Ego – knowing it, accepting it, befriending it
  2. Coming home to our true nature
  3. The forever dance – integrating the work

We will cover teachings that are timeless and absolutely necessary to lead your life connected to the real you.



Imagine that somewhere in your future there is a you who is grounded in who they are, knows who they are, connected to their intuition and true self, and who is so goddamn real and genuine that they ooze that special something.

Imagine how free and liberated that version of you must be to feel that way and how ace they are at navigating their own mind, ego trip wires and patterned responses. How cool must it be for them that they get to choose how they want to be rather than be who they think they have to be?

Imagine if you never met them. Imagine if you never game them the chance to go out into the world and play, meet people, call in opportunities and dance with life from that place. That would be soul crushing.

If you want to give the future you a chance, the you who is in full ownership and acceptance of who she is, who is waiting for you to do the work and arrive, then this is your invitation to meet her.


Upfront payment or 6-month payment plan available. 


A word from your Coach, Kat John ...

I know what a life of misery, pain and trauma is like. I haven’t read it in a book or studied it, I’ve lived it. From childhood sexual abuse, bulimia, drug addiction, chronic pain, medication addiction and brain surgery, these experiences (almost) broke me. There were times I didn’t want to live and felt like I was being punished by the life. Shit got real dark. But the darkness was my invitation to find a new way forward, to find “me” amidst the mess and chaos, and I made it my mission to do the work to live a better life.

Was it easy? No. Did it happen overnight? I wish. Did I want to give up sometimes? Ah, many times! But there was a vision in my mind and heart that kept calling me to move forward and it has led me here, to awaken the YOU that is buried inside and bring her back to life.


No longer play games with yourself?
Stop hiding from yourself?
Move towards the real and genuine you?

Check out the FAQs

Who is this for?

For the women who are done.

Done with editing yourself to the point where you can’t even recognise yourself or look into your own eyes.

Done with screwing yourself over and contorting yourself to make others lives easier who have zero interest in anyone other than themselves.

Done offering up your precious time and energy to those who benefit from your “saying yes” without even thinking about how this will affect you, syndrome.

Done with living at a pace where you move through life so damn fast that you don’t even taste your food, your coffee, the morning air. Rushing to everywhere and everything acting all busy and that you’ve got no time.

Done with being scared of what might show up for you, inside of you, worrying if people will still like if you are grounded, quieter, more still and say no to serve your wellbeing.

Done holding yourself up to unrelenting standards, and others too! Done with saying that you want a real-ationship yet when a good egg comes along, you push them away and nit pick and find everything wrong with them.

Done with being someone you think you have to be to be more likeable, palatable, acceptable, good and all the rest, where it’s costing you your freedom and stunting your expression.

What will I learn?

  • You’ll learn how to navigate your ego, its thoughts and its patterns with greater presence, integrity and compassion. This will help you come back to your authentic self quicker as opposed to spending days, weeks or months ‘stuck’.
  • You’ll befriend your ego rather than fight it or pretend it doesn’t exist. By understanding your past, why your ego is the way it is, you’ll understand why it’s flaring up and how to tend to it with powerful tools.
  • You’ll be shown a number of practices and tools that’ll remind you how simple it is to come back to your real self.
  • You’ll be guided on how to live with the ego AND your true self without the need to get rid of one. You’ll learn to accept both parts.

I'm new-ish to this work, can I still join?

You can be new to the work, absolutely. The pre-requisite for this program is that you are ready to be accountable and responsible for your life and your future. It is beneficial to have awareness around your past and how it links to where you are at now.

If you are seeking me to save, rescue, motivate or do the work for you to change your life, then respectfully I am not your Coach.

Is the program available internationally?

Yes! This is open to anyone in any time zone, in any country. All live virtual calls will be recorded so they can be accessed at any time.

The live monthly calls take place on a Sunday at 9AM AEDT or AEST (depending on daylight savings), for 90-minutes and are recorded. You will need to check this against your current timezone to see if you can join live. If not, it’s okay, you will be sent the recording.

How does payment work?

If you choose a payment plan, your subscription will be billed one time each month for your 6-months. Or, if you choose to buy the one-time payment (which saves you $450 AUD) you’ll be billed one time.

Should you wish to stay on after the 6-months to still have access to Kat’s Live Q&A’s, teachings, tools and meditations, a new subscription will be created.

Do you offer any special payment rates?

Due to the economy hitting all of us, I have reduced the enrolment free from $1497 AUD to $997 AUD, a saving of $500.

Is there a specific intake date or can I join whenever?

Yes, there are specific enrolment dates throughout the year to ensure enrolment is smooth and batched so women are joining together each time. Here are the dates that enrolment opens in 2024.

  • February 1st – CLOSED
  • April 1st – CLOSED
  • June 1st – CLOSED
  • August 1st (open for 10 days)
  • October 1st (open for 10 days)

There are spaces for 15 women per intake so when the doors are open, make sure you secure your spot and sign up!

What's the time commitment?

This is a 6-month program with five enrolment dates throughout the year.

  • 6 x live coaching calls with Kat and attendees.
  • Regular check-ins from Kat via our private Facebook group.
  • Video, audio and reading and resources for each module are inside the learning platform that you will be expected to engage with and reflect upon.
  • Maximum two hours per week of ‘doing the work’ plus time for insights and reflections.

We have spaced the teachings out mindfully, respecting that you have lives to lead.

What’s your cancellation policy?

If after Module 1, (where you have completed each exercise, reflections and meditations), you are not satisfied, two-thirds of your payment will be refunded to you. Access to the program and live calls will end immediately.

Your payment options ...

Upfront payment or a 6-month payment plan is avaialble.