
Pre-orders are currently available for Australia and New Zealand.

 International pre-order will be coming very soon.

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When did you last feel like you?

When did you last feel connected to your true, authentic nature?

When we aren’t in touch with our intrinsic nature ...

we lose sight of what deeply matters to us, from the way we live our lives, care for ourselves and treat others and the mark we leave behind. This is due to being too closely bound with our ego, which leads us to think, communicate and act in ways that have little regard for what matters at the level of our heart, humanity and our planet.

As a result, we lose connection to our own inner voice, with others and create lives that aren’t soul derived.

‘Authentic’ explores the reasons why we venture away from our authentic nature and the impact this has on our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. It sheds light on the impact of losing touch with our authenticity, our sense of humanity and community, and inspires readers to make a change.

Filled with real guidance, raw truths and relatable stories, Authentic will speak to your soul and help you find the self-alignment that will unlock a life that is right, good and true for you.


Are you done being someone you know you're not?

A gift to those who pre-order ...

Enter in your name and details in the link below to receive the Preface and Introduction of the book, plus a self enquiry question to reflect upon, narrated by me, for you.

This is my way of saying thank you for supporting my work.