
How Long Can You Keep Living Like This?

You feel it, don’t you? That quiet ache, the gnawing dissatisfaction, the sense that something’s missing. You keep going, playing the roles, checking the boxes, hustling to meet expectations—yours, theirs, society’s. But deep down, you know: this isn’t it.

Living inauthentically comes at a cost. It leaves you burnt out, disconnected, and wondering who you even are. Maybe you say “yes” when you mean “no,” stay silent when you want to speak up, are riddled with self doubt, feel paralysed with indecision, or mold yourself to fit in. Maybe you’ve built a life that looks great on paper but feels hollow. Maybe you have ‘lost’ your authentic self and can’t quite muster the strength to find yourself on your own.

This isn’t the life you’re meant for. And deep down, you know that too.

What’s the Real Cost of Staying the Same?

When you let your false self run the show—your perfectionist, people-pleaser, overachiever—it chips away at your confidence, your clarity, and your connection to who you really are. You end up building a life that has nothing to do with your essence, creating a gap between the person you are and the person you long to be.

Left unchecked, that gap grows wider. And one day, you might find yourself looking back, wishing you’d had the courage to close it.

Answer this ...

How much longer can you tolerate not being you?

Many of us sense a gap between the life we’re living and the life that would truly fulfill us, yet there’s a pull to keep things as they are, to keep showing up in familiar ways. This program is for those ready to explore the truth beneath that surface, to uncover why we fall back on familiar patterns and personas that keep us in a cycle of trying to meet expectations, avoiding conflict, or looking like we have it all together while feeling out of alignment within.

Authentic – The Program is designed for those ready to bridge this gap and live from a place that feels deeply true and connected to who they are.

The pain of not being 'you'!

This is Where Authentic – The Program Comes In

If you’re tired of pretending, of overthinking every move, of hustling for approval, then Authentic – The Program is your next step.

This isn’t surface-level work. It’s a guided, 4-month journey to uncover the patterns and personas keeping you stuck, reconnect with your authentic self, and integrate that truth into your everyday life.

You will work through course material at a steady pace delivered via videos, audios, meditations, journalling prompts and exercises, with X7 live calls throughout our time together. The group starts and finishes together. You are a collective group who are here to support yourself and one another. My role is to hold the container. 

These are fundamental teachings to help you navigate the part of you that just won’t let you step-up or in, to what truly serves you.

The Teachings ...

Module 1: Befriending the Ego
You’ll learn to navigate your ego powerfully through tools like the Enneagram, ego-clearing exercises, and powerful meditations. We’ll map out patterns of sabotage, practice younger self-healing, and guide you through deep reflection questions.

Module 2: Coming Home to Your Core
This is where you reconnect with your core values and gain clarity on your true end results. Through dance, visualisation, and a myriad of practical and spiritual exercises, you’ll create a vision for living a life aligned with your authentic self.

Module 3: The Forever Dance
Life is an ongoing dance between your false and true self. In this module, you’ll learn how to navigate that dance with confidence, patience and grace, integrating your authenticity into every part of your life.

This Isn’t Just About Change—It’s About Liberation

By the end of Authentic – The Program, you’ll have a clear understanding of who you are and a deep commitment to living from that place. You’ll stop living for others’ expectations and start living for yourself.

Imagine meeting the version of you who is grounded, clear, and free. The you who trusts her intuition, speaks her truth, and creates a life that feels real. Now imagine never giving her the chance to exist.

Enrol now for August 1st!


That somewhere in your future there is a you who is grounded in who they are, knows who they are, connected to their intuition and true self, and who is so goddamn real and genuine that they ooze that special something.

Imagine how free and liberated that version of you must be to feel that way and how ace they are at navigating their own mind, ego trip wires and patterned responses. How cool must it be for them that they get to choose how they want to be rather than be who they think they have to be?

Imagine if you never met them. Imagine if you never game them the chance to go out into the world and play, meet people, call in opportunities and dance with life from that place. That would be soul crushing.

If you want to give the future you a chance, the you who is in full ownership and acceptance of who she is, who is waiting for you to do the work and arrive, then this is your invitation to meet her.

Are You Ready to Meet Her?

We begin August 1st, and enrolments are open now. For 4 months, you’ll have:


A word from your Coach, Kat

I know what a life of misery, pain and trauma is like. I haven’t read it in a book or studied it, I’ve lived it. From childhood sexual abuse, bulimia, drug addiction, chronic pain, medication addiction and brain surgery, these experiences (almost) broke me. There were times I didn’t want to live and felt like I was being punished by the life. Shit got real dark. But the darkness was my invitation to find a new way forward, to find “me” amidst the mess and chaos, and I made it my mission to do the work to live a better life.

Was it easy? No. Did it happen overnight? I wish. Did I want to give up sometimes? Ah, many times! But there was a vision in my mind and heart that kept calling me to move forward and it has led me here, to awaken the YOU that is buried inside and bring her back to life.

Check out the FAQs

Who is this for?

For the women who are done.

Done with editing yourself to the point where you can’t even recognise yourself or look into your own eyes.

Done with screwing yourself over and contorting yourself to make others lives easier who have zero interest in anyone other than themselves.

Done offering up your precious time and energy to those who benefit from your “saying yes” without even thinking about how this will affect you, syndrome.

Done with living at a pace where you move through life so damn fast that you don’t even taste your food, your coffee, the morning air. Rushing to everywhere and everything acting all busy and that you’ve got no time.

Done with being scared of what might show up for you, inside of you, worrying if people will still like if you are grounded, quieter, more still and say no to serve your wellbeing.

Done holding yourself up to unrelenting standards, and others too! Done with saying that you want a real-ationship yet when a good egg comes along, you push them away and nit pick and find everything wrong with them.

Done with being someone you think you have to be to be more likeable, palatable, acceptable, good and all the rest, where it’s costing you your freedom and stunting your expression.

What will I learn?

  • You’ll learn how to navigate your ego, its thoughts and its patterns with greater presence, integrity and compassion. This will help you come back to your authentic self quicker as opposed to spending days, weeks or months ‘stuck’.
  • You’ll befriend your ego rather than fight it or pretend it doesn’t exist. By understanding your past, why your ego is the way it is, you’ll understand why it’s flaring up and how to tend to it with powerful tools.
  • You’ll be shown a number of practices and tools that’ll remind you how simple it is to come back to your real self.
  • You’ll be guided on how to live with the ego AND your true self without the need to get rid of one. You’ll learn to accept both parts.

I'm new-ish to this work, can I still join?

You can be new to the work, absolutely. The pre-requisite for this program is that you are ready to be accountable and responsible for your life and your future. It is beneficial to have awareness around your past and how it links to where you are at now.

If you are seeking me to save, rescue, motivate or do the work for you to change your life, then respectfully I am not your Coach.

Is the program available internationally? When and what time are the calls?

Yes! This is open to anyone in any time zone, in any country. All live virtual calls will be recorded so they can be accessed at any time.

The live fortnightly calls take place on a Sunday at 9:30 AM AEDT or AEST (depending on daylight savings), for 90-minutes and are recorded. You will need to check this against your current timezone to see if you can join live. If not, it’s okay, you will be sent the recording.

How does payment work?

If you choose a payment plan, your subscription will be billed one time each month for 4-months. Or, if you choose to buy the one-time payment you’ll be billed one time. If you are outside of Australia, please note that there will be exchange fees.

Do you offer any special payment rates?

Yes! The program WAS $1495 AUD and is NOW $995 AUD – a saving of $500!

Are there a specific intake dates or can I join whenever?

Yes, there are three enrolment dates throughout the year to ensure we start together and finish together. Here are the start dates for 2025.

  • February 1st 
  • August 1st

There are spaces for 25 enrolments per intake when the (metaphorical) doors are open, so be sure you secure your spot and sign up!

What's the time commitment?

There are X7 live coaching calls within each enrolment and each call is 90-minutes. Although not compulsory, these calls are great to attend for deeper insights.

Each week you’d be looking at two to four hours of ‘doing the work’ with time for insights and reflections. Module 1 is the most intensive time wise and emotionally. Module 2 and 3 has a little more breathing room and space to ponder, reflect and enquire.

The program is spaced out mindfully, respecting that you have a life to lead.

How long will I have access to the program for?

Although the program formally runs for 4-months, you will have access of the program for a total of 6-months which is fabulous news for you! This means you can go back over any of the content and exercises for an additional 2-months!

What’s your cancellation policy?

If after Module 1, (where you have completed each exercise, reflections and meditations), you are not satisfied, two-thirds of your payment will be refunded to you. Access to the program and live calls will end immediately.

Are You Ready to Meet Her?

We begin August 1st, and enrolments are open now. For 4 months, you’ll have: