
Tools for Authentic Living:
Channel Your Fks Where They Matter

The ZEROFKS Program focuses on motioning women into embracing their authenticity by not allowing their thoughts and external judgments hinder their real and genuine selves. It’s time to reframe your narrative, remember who you are, and live a life that resonates with what’s right, good and true for you.


If you’re done with the exhausting charade of being someone you’re not, find yourself giving away your precious time, energy, and mental capacity (those precious fks) to the limiting stories in your head, and showing up as a shell of yourself then join us on this liberating journey of authenticity – where giving zerofks becomes an act of self-love.



Is The ZEROFKS Program for me?

Are you done with letting fear overcome the way you want to live your life? Are you sick of holding back your truths in case people might shut you down? Are you exhausted by living up to unrelenting expectations of how you should be, and never really expressing you? Are you deadset over giving into the thoughts in your head that say you be you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re in the right place.

The ZEROFKS Program is a community of women who are willing to do the work to show up in their lives as their real and genuine selves. We are a community that thrives on knowing, being and showing up as we are, and are the first to be accountable and responsible in the times when we don’t.

If you’re ready to reclaim your fks and breathe life into your authentic self, drop your email below, and you’ll be the first in line when The ZEROFKS Program launches. No spam, just a direct line to a life that feels right, true, and damn good for you.

What does it mean to give ZEROFKS?

We’re not talking about throwing care to the wind. We’re talking about diving deep into a whole new level of self-liberation. Giving zerofks is about shedding the unnecessary weight of thoughts in your head that have been playing on loop, telling you who you should be. It’s a rebellion against the inner critic, those nagging doubts that hinder you from rocking your true, authentic self. It’s a conscious decision to allocate your time, energy, heart, and life force to things that really matter – to you, your journey, and the collective human experience. Giving zerofks is a tool to shape a life that’s authentically yours and contributes to the greater good.


A word from your Coach, Kat John ...

I know what a life of misery, pain and trauma is like. I haven’t read it in a book or studied it, I’ve lived it. From childhood sexual abuse, bulimia, drug addiction, chronic pain, medication addiction and brain surgery, these experiences (almost) broke me. There were times I didn’t want to live and felt like I was being punished by the life. Shit got real dark. But the darkness was my invitation to find a new way forward, to find “me” amidst the mess and chaos, and I made it my mission to do the work to live a better life.

Was it easy? No. Did it happen overnight? I wish. Did I want to give up sometimes? Ah, many times! But there was a vision in my mind and heart that kept calling me to move forward and it has led me here, to awaken the YOU that is buried inside and bring her back to life.

Check out the FAQ's

Who is this for?

Women who are looking for support, a community and accountability in a private, safe space away from social media.

Women who are looking for tangible, practical steps and tools to put into practice to make the teachings real and embodied.

Women who are so ready to be who they are and create change in their life .

Is The ZEROFKS Program available internationally?

Yes!  This is open to anyone in any time zone, in any country. All live virtual events will be recorded so they can be accessed at any time.

I'm new to this kind of work, can I still join?

100%. Of course! Becoming our authentic selves is a layered journey. At different points in our lives, there will be a calling to drop deeper into who we are and this will require shadow work.

What’s your cancellation policy?

No cancellations or refunds. If you want in, you’re in!

How does payment work?

If you choose a payment plan, your subscription will be billed one time each month for your 6-monthly membership fee. Or, if you choose to buy the one-time payment (which is less than the payment plan) you’ll be billed one time.

Should you wish to stay on after the 6-months to still have access to Kat’s Live Q&A’s, teachings, tools and meditations, a new subscription will be created.

How do I join?

The way to gain access to is through joining the waitlist. Enrollment dates and links will be emailed via the waitlist.

How much does it cost?

$2997 one-time payment, or X5 payments of $597 per month + $500 deposit. The currency is in AUD so please check this against your countries currency.

How does enrolment work?

1. Sign up for waitlist.

2. Check your email for confirmation you are on the waitlist!

3.  We will notify you via email when enrolment opens.

JOIN THE WAITLIST to give less fks in 2024